Mulank 4 – The Significance of Your Birth Date in Numerology – Psychic Number 4 Personality

Birth Number 4 Personality – Mulank 4 Personality

Mulank 4, Personality Number 4, Life Path, Love Life, Career
Mulank 4

If a person took birth on 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st of any month will have Psychic number 4 or Mulank 4 and also said birth number 4 and is ruled by Rahu, This number is also know as Number Of Delay. Mulank 4 know for rebellious and analytical person. the person is organized and good manageable quality in day to day life, it says how to manage house and professional life and also put discipline in it.

Number 4 are the person can do extreme hard work and use brain fully to perform any work. Also can think out of the box and unique from others. Number 4 having the quality to deal with the situation very sensibly and according to situation. these number native are very difficult to control by others as their behavior is not as expected.

Birth Number 4 Native works on proper reasoning behind every thing and restrict themselves from working only on theory. stubborn nature of native , practical find logic in every thing all for all this behavior they mostly misunderstood by others in both family and in friend circle and also in professional work place. which some how effects the relation and situation. Native is of strong individual point of view and mind of own and also not involve in any thing which can hurt others sentiments.

Mulank 4

Bold and straight forward nature offends the nearby people or people around them. frustration is the situation face by this number individual because regular of ups and down in life but the person must be thankful to RAHU which gives them courageous and bold. Having a limited social circle and choosing quality over quality is the secret of their finding reliable friends

Birth Number 4 is one of the number of willpower, discipline & punctual. This quality in native makes them trustworthy and demandable. The number 4 willpower has its own energy that when they decided to start anything thill the work completes they don’t give up easily. The mulank 4 person are not money minded and inclined to gain more knowledge and experience through work
.It doesn’t mean you don’t value money but money is not a priority and also enjoy spending money to fulfil wishes and also having a big heart and cannot see any one in need unnoticed.

Mulank 4 person if they get a position to change and revolution in in any where(professional, family or in world) they can prove themselves great by shut down others by their thoughts and ideas, and its difficult for other to win on arguments and debates. Number 4 are usually self made and done hard work by own will and because of the destiny they had to go through a lot of struggle to reach where they are presently.

A special characteristic is they listen to others thoughts and ideas and try to understand the depth rather imposing own thoughts. the birth number 4 and not very lucky over love their practical nature creates a distance and also makes unromantic. But if committed to any relation they are very loyal and devoting. They are best compatible with 1, 5 & 6.

Their dominates nature sometimes create trouble while mixing to others. they having a quality of taking decision without thinking which lead them to unsuccessful results. The number 4 native need to work patiently and keep the outcome in control for success , they have to understand that the 4 represents delay also so they need to be focused, well planed and patient to achieve the goal in life.

Favorable & Unfavorable period

Lucky Number – 1, 5, 6, 7

Bad Number – 4, 8, 2, 9
Career – Research Work, Scientist, Lawyer, Judge, Administrative, Management, Science,


Number 4 person are practical in nature. They are loyal to friends , family and partners, very ready to help others, They are well organized in life and also punctual which makes their presence important in every work.


Dominant nature makes bit hard for them to be flexible with others. Quick decision making is mostly turn the things in negative way. As they are associated with delay that makes then depressed and frustrated some times.

Lucky Color – White And Shades Of White

Avoid Black & Grey as much possible. and never on any important day.

Calculation of Mulank – Assume a person is born on November,22 1985. Their personality number is 4. (2+2 = 4) Number 4 is associated with the Rahu. Thus, the person reflects qualities like analytical, Managerial, Organized.

12/08/1987 = take only date for mulank which is 22 =2+2 = 4

Remedies –
Small things to keep in control as a remedy avoid hard words during arguments and debates. try to be little flexible with outers that helps to resolve things easily.
Try to avoid number mulank 4 & 8 people as partner and business partners. Consult numerologist for remedies.

Remarks – For more complete details consult a numerologist. Don’t do any remedies on your own it can give both good and bad effect.

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Also read about Mulank 1, Mulank 2, Mulank 3, Mulank 5, Mulank 6, Mulank 7, Mulank, 8, Mulank 9, Astrology

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