Kal Sharp Dosh – It’s effect

kal sharp dosh as per Vedic astrology it comes in a birth chart of ascendant if he/she has to rectify the past life mistake and misdeed done by them. because of this dosh the ascendant goes though multiple issues like own health issue, financial issue, anxiety, depression, family fight, child health issue, frustration this type of situation comes one after one. But also need to check other planet positions also which can reduce this type of suffering so consultation is important form astrologer.

The ascendant goes through bad dreams, and some times they see on dream that the ascendant died or snake related dreams. This dosh is created by Rahu & Ketu. when in one side there is no planet between rahu and ketu & other side all planets in between rahu and ketu (like 1st house rahu and 7th house ketu and no planets in between 1st to 7th house & from 7th to 12th all planets are placed) then this dosh appear. In Vedic astrology Rahu is called as death and Ketu as snake. This way rahu is the head of snake and ketu is the body & tail of snake.

In this dosh Both rahu & ketu reduces the effect of other planets & as the planet are placed in one side in between them so the planets can’t give their proper support to the ascendant. As both rahu and ketu is kown as shadow planet so after having all luxury in life, ascendant feels and wants to find peace and relax, the person always in distress and doesn’t know the reason of being distress always confused. Mostly is gives its bad effect but other planet position in the 7 housed can say whether it is good or bad for that person. So consultation is important before doing any remedies.

Kal Sharpa Dosh
Kal Sharpa Dosh

Types Of Kal Sharpa Dosh. ( 12 Types Of Kal Sharpa Dosha)

Below in detail Kal Sharp dosh and its effect.

(Note – if in you chart they giving good result then the below negative will happen very less)

Anant Kal sharpa Dosh –

    This is the dosh when rahu in 1st house and ketu in 7th house. This create instability and distress and un comfortability in ascendant. it can lead to legal issues and ascendant also lie to every one.

    Kulki Kal sharpa Dosh

      If Rahu in 2nd and ketu in 8th house this dosh happens. In this dosh ascendant suffer from child and partner happiness, kidney diseases, less father affection and love & criticism and insult in each and every step.

      Vasuki Kal sharp Dosh

        when Rahu in 3rd and ketu in 9th house this dosa happens. In this dosa accendent faced issues with sibbling relation or health. They are not brave to take decissions, luck not favour on time or on need, issues in profesional life and also vides life is not according to need.

        1. Shankpal Kal sharp Dosh –

        When Rahu in 9th and Ketu in 3rd house this dosh happens. Its dosh effect the luck favor and make it almost null in luck favor and to face criticism and downfall by ascendant. No Fathers happiness & out or change of job due to any issue in office.

        Padma Kal sharp Dosh –

          When rahu in 5th and ketu in 11th house this dosh happens. This dosh reduce in child love or no child for long time, sufferings in old age, enemy in every step, loss in gambling.

          Mahapadma Kal sharp Dosh –

            When rahu in 6th and ketu in 12th house. This effect in income or daily life income , partner love and character issues can happen.

            Tasakh Kal sharp Dosh

            When rahu in 7th and ketu in 1st house. In this dosh the ascendant destroy the parental property or money, less love form wife or no wife, legal issue like jail yogh can also happens. Need proper consultation to reduce the effect.

            Kakotak Kal sharp Dosh –

              When Rahu in 8th and Ketu in 3rd. the ascendant faces issue in luck favor, less chances for job, business not goes well or not a healthy business, non parental property and continuous health issues

              Shankchudra Kal sharp Dosh –

                When Rahu in 9th and Ketu in 4th. the ascendant faces continuous ups and down in business and health issues remains always in ascendant.

                Ghatak Kal sharp Dosh

                  When Rahu in 10th and Ketu in 4th. the ascendant suffer form parental loss or health issues of parents, and also suffer from children health.

                  Vishdhar Kalsharpa Dosh

                    When Rahu in 11th and Ketu in 5th. This type of ascendant mostly stay away from family, fight or bad relation with siblings, heart diseases can happen. Body of person becomes shabby.

                    ho jata hai.

                    Seshnag Kalsharpa Dosh

                      When Rahu in 12th and Ketu in 6th. the ascendant suffer for enemy hits, health not proper to fight with the condition, eye issues, court cases also can face by the ascendant.

                      Remedies – For proper remedies consult astrologer and do remedies accordingly.

                      Also read about Mulank 1, Mulank 2Mulank 3

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