Psychic Number 6 – The Significance of Your Birth Date in your life path

Mulank 6 personality – Birth Number 6 Personality

Mulank also name as Birth Number Driver Number & Psychic Number.

Mulank 6
Mulank 6

If the person took birth on 6th, 15th & 24th of any month then the mulank is 6. And the planet rule Mulank 6 is Venus. Number of Luxury. The number 6 is associated with luxury, beauty, Fame, attension personality. So all this quality we can see in the number 6 native. They have a magnetic aura to atract people to them. they aso love to keep thier surround clean and polished.

Mulank 6 are so polite and well mannered and helpful to others. They always go for the best and having a good taste when it comes to selection or relationship. Number 6 people are mostly protecting in nature and very serious to family and relationship, even they ready to sacrifice also. Mulank 6 having soft and caring nature makes them good companion also with romantic nature they put effort in relationship and make their partner valuable for them.

It would be not correct to say that the mulank 6 person go for only outer beauty they acknowledge the beauty of ones heart and behavior. Love to spent moments with family and friends and loved ones. Listing from heart rather to use brain make them more emotional driven and sensitive. hard word easily hurts them they are not use to such behaviors.

Birth number 6 always face difficulties to finds a good friend, in later years they search more to met that one individual. As having giving nature they are always used for benefits and then left them alone. being honest is the quality you will see in this number 6 native. but when get cheated by other the native use to isolate them from the surroundings.

Number 6 is having a royal taste of fashion and brands, wearing elegant dresses, perfumes makes their personality unique from others. They always try to look presentable which gives them confidence. They use to maintain the same in home also. They never thought to do expense to maintain the uniqueness, and also can say shopaholic.

Birth number 6 having the nature of feeling others pain, sorrow, love , happiness is makes them demanding between friends and holding the motherly nature and nature of caring in them. They love be with children as they are clean from heart and love to share time with them. When ever they are in their comfort they use to be with music to live that moment and emotions.

Mulank 6 falls in love at least 2 times in life before getting married. And this relations are eye opener for them. As the number 6 is loving and romantic they want the same form partners but they don’t get that efforts which they expect from the partner.

Some restrictions must need by birth umber 6 in their life like to draw boundries to service others, self love is the sebt to make keep them positive. Due to dejection some time can be a chance to get addicted to wrong things like alcohol or smoking, they must understand and keep themself in control to avoid such addiction. And lastly not to share your plan and goals to others till it comes true.

Calculation of Mulank – Assume a person is born on June,24 1982. Their personality number is 6. (2+4 = 6) Number 6 is associated with the Venus. Thus, the person reflects qualities like Caring, Creative, Attractive personality, Helping Nature.

24/06/1982 = take only date for mulank which is 24 =2+4 = 6

Favorable & Unfavorable period

Favourable – 20 April to 20 May, 20 September to 20 October.
Unfavorable – First part of April, November.

Lucky Number – 1, 5, 6, 7
Bad Number – 3


Fashion, Hospitality, investment & stock market, entertainment, music, real estate, Make up artist, mehndi designer, Fashion design.

Strengths –

They are loyal and very much invloved in any relation ship and work which helps them to acheive sucess and happiness. Thier creative mind can do well in fasion, music etc. Their protective behaviou for the loved ones like family, friends, partners.

Weakness –

They have clean heart so face difficulty to say no to anyone when they ask help or support. They are very much involed them self in aterialistic things which makes them not to come out from their comfortable zone which lead to failure in work also.

Lucky Color – White, rainbow color and shades of white.
Yellow Color to avoid

Remedies – Control the emotion and think twice before giving support. Consult numerologist.

Remarks – For more complete details consult a numerologist. Don’t do any remedies on your own it can give both good and bad effect. All remedies said here are basic of life style and no harm in this.

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Also read about Mulank 1, Mulank 2, Mulank 3, Mulank 4, Mulank 5, Mulank 7, Mulank, 8, Mulank 9, Astrology

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