4 Malefic conjunction of planets

Conjunction of Planets when do with each other and their effects are also gives trouble and obstructions other then Rahu/Ketu .

Vish Dosh (Saturn- Moon Conjunction) –

Sun Moon Conjunction ( Vish Dosh)
Sun Moon Conjunction ( Vish Dosh)

According to astrology when Saturn and moon do conjunction or in same house then this dosh created. It is said and believed in astrology that this combination comes when any one done wrong or hard trouble given to any mam or women in past life then this conjunction comes in birth chart. The ascendant surly affected by this combination. So it is taken very serious and effective dosh in astrology.

The affects starts from birth and till death it gives its bad effect in ascendant life. In this combination the person is used by their own people some how and also put the ascendant in trouble also. When ever the native helps any one but in return they gets criticism and . This effects mostly the house where it is placed in chart and the characteristic of that house.

So read this the chart must be read properly with D8 chart. This shows the pain given by the ascendant to women in past life. and it is also consider in astrology that that the women come in this life as mom, sister, wife or daughter.

Saturn degree is more then moon or Saturn is in ahead of moon gives more and highly effected the life. If the same is in women chart then son, brother, father or husband can be the reason of pain and trouble or they will suffer for wealth, health or mental trouble. This combination in Women chart its not good by any means.

Kendum Dosh (Moon Placement)-

According to astrology moon is the controller of heart and it seen when some one feels alone then the heart got heavy and started thinking many thigs. This type of issue arises when the ascendant suffers from kendum dosh. The dosh comes active when from moon the 10th & 12th house is vacant and sun, rahu, ketu is not considered if they are placed in these 2 houses.

And second condition is if there is no planet with moon in same house or no dristi of any good planet to moon like Jupiter, Venus, mercury.

In this moon placement the person once suffer form wealth issue and reaches to bottom from high position. With this the person my be illiterate, poor of low level education. The ascendant of kundum dosh also suffers from marital life issue, children relation issues. they unable to give happiness to their near people. Sometimes their thinking became lower, wealth happiness is with this dosh, dependable on others, less family happiness, trouble form children.

If any powerful planet is placed in kendra 1st,4t,7th,8th from moon then this yog is not considered as bad yog.

Padyantra Dosh (Lagan Lord Placement)-

If lagan lord placed in 8th house with any good planet of dristi of good planet then this dosh is created. This planet placement affect is like circular movement of good and bad in life like running of wheel. This dosh say that the ascendant will be deception by near person and risk of losing wealth and property also. And opposite gender also can create to put the ascendent in trouble.

Andhak Dosh (Sun- Saturn Conjunction)-

Sun Saturn Conjunction (Andhak Dosh)
Sun Saturn Conjunction (Andhak Dosh)

This dosh happens when sun and Saturn are in same house or conjunction of Sun & Saturn. According to astrology this affects the house the planets are placed and also the 7th house from that house is also affected. This combination gives trouble to ascendant father career or health or wealth or prestige issue in society. Relation with father is also not good.

If sun is more effected then there is a possibility of losing father in early age or stay away form father. It can says no father love. The ascendant has no control in his voice and that also impact the work or that can create failure in that work. Chance of having wealth issue. This conjunction also affects the married life & chances of having 2 marriages. In some cases from father and child only one is successful in life and other is not.

Neech Dosh –

When the planet is placed in their neech zodiac sign. details below.

Asth Dosh –

When planets is in said degree from sun or in same house with asth degree then this dosh come in chart.

Remarks For more complete details consult an astrologer. Don’t do any remedies on your own it can give both good and bad effect. All remedies said here are basic of life style and no harm in this.

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